El líquido amniótico y sus preguntas más frecuentes

Dr. Herman Ernesto Majano Rosales. OBSTETRICIAN GYNECOLOGIST

Probably many of us know that the amniotic fluid surrounds and forms the environment in which your baby is in the womb, but many times in our daily practice we can have any of these questions. For what I consider necessary to answer them through this article.

¿What is the Amniotic Liquid and what function does it fulfill?

Amniotic fluid is a clear fluid that envelops and protects the fetus during its development throughout pregnancy.

Its function is to protect, cushion the effect of contractions and blows, maintain a constant temperature around the fetus and allow free movement of the fetus helping it to develop normally. Its absence damages from the good growth of the lungs to the formation of the extremities.

¿During what period of pregnancy does the amniotic fluid form?

It forms towards the fourth week of gestation, once the embryo has nested in the walls of the uterus and begins to form the amniotic cavity, which will fill with fluid.

During the first trimester, this fluid is derived from the maternal blood, but from week 12, the baby also intervenes with his urine.

¿What is your normal color? ¿Do you experience changes during pregnancy?

Normally, it should be clear. Its appearance varies according to the maturity of the pregnancy. In preterm fetuses it is transparent (birth before 37 weeks of gestation).

Gradually acquires lumps that come from the desquamation of the skin of the fetus, it increases with time and acquires a milky appearance in fetuses that are past their normal delivery date.

In case of episodes of fetal stress in which there is release of intestinal content of the fetus called meconium, the fluid darkens.

¿Does the amount of amniotic fluid vary during the stages of pregnancy? ¿In which way?

The maximum amount of amniotic fluid can originate between 27 and 34 weeks reaching 800 ml, then from week 38 begins to decrease to 500 – 600 ml until the end of pregnancy.

¿In what way do we realize that we lose amniotic fluid?

A higher genital moisture in pregnancy is normal. However, when there is rupture of the membranes, there is evident and blunt loss of liquid that soaks down.

¿Once there is an abundant loss of amniotic fluid, what should we do?

In general, after the rupture of the bag, it is usual for the pregnant woman to begin labor and dilation. But often this is not the case so if this happens it is necessary that you go immediately to your gynecologist.

Categoria: For patients
